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High Holidays 5782 (1)
Thank you to those who generously gave to underwrite our High Holy Days services this year:

The Pergament Family in memory of Lorine Pergament

Salicki in memory of Our Loved Ones No Longer With Us

Thank you to those who sponsored the Bimah Flowers and Decorations in our newly renovated Sanctuary:

Vivian Riefberg, and Jamie & Kate Ashford in memory of Morton Riefberg, Volney & Zelma Ashford, Boyd Losee, and Stanley & Eleanor Rubinstein

The Rosencrans-Kaller Family in memory of Cindy & Bob

Thank you to all those who gave to our High Holy Days Support Fund to help make these special holidays possible:

Ellen & Jeff Agler, Anonymous (8), Rabbi Andrew Baker, Marilyn & Michael Barth, Lois Berkowitz, Richard & Elaine Binder, The Leifer Family, Ravelle Brickman, Amanda Broun, Betsy & Arthur Chotin, Evelyn & Leonard Coburn, Catherine L. Copp, Suzanne Eichhorn & Lew Priven, The Snyder-Eichhorn Family, Michelle & Glenn Engelmann, Susan & Robert Fratkin, Nancy Golding & Bob Hartheimer, Mitchell Goldstein, David & Cathy Goldwyn, Nancy Goodman, Ilana & Scott Gordon, Gary & Donna Green & Family, Ken & Debbie Jaffe, Jackie Judd & Michael Shulman, Ellen & Bill Kominers, Peter Winkler & Barbara Kraft, Kenneth & Audrey Kramer, Ginny Levin & Bruce Vinik, Ariel & Rachel Levinson-Waldman, Natalie Lichtenstein & Willard Tom, Nancy Liebermann & Joe Godles, The Marcus Silver Family, Syma & Martin Mendelsohn, Libby & Ronald Merrill, Ellen Ostrow & Ron Kimball, Corrine & Leonard Parver, Jesse Raben & Kim Chemerika, Rabbi Fred Reiner & Susan Liss, Reisman Family, Ted & Linda Rosen, Flo & Dan Rosenblum, Susan Schiffer , Jeffrey Seltzer & Karen Rothenberg, Ann Shalleck in memory of Tommy Raskin, Squires Family, The Tarnoff Family, Helen Trilling, Debbie & Henry Tyrangiel, Paulis Waber & Rod Cash, Darwin & Karen Walker, Elizabeth (“Beth”) Weisberg, Amy York, Regina, Micah, & Shira Ziegler, Beverly Zweiben

Finally, thank you so much to the many members who donated to support this year’s Yizkor (Memorial) Book.

We are grateful to have been able to celebrate the holidays and remember our loved ones with many of our members in person this year. We look forward to next year’s holidays when we may be fully re-gathered together.

All names included in this listing were those received as of September 10, 2021. If we have inadvertently missed honoring your generosity or if you have any questions, please reach out to Noah Benjamin at Thank you again for all you do to make Temple Sinai a Kehillah Kedoshah, a holy community.

Thank You to Our Volunteers

In addition to appreciating all of our service participants, musicians, staff and vendor partners listed in our Service Sheets, we would like to acknowledge and thank our member volunteers who helped with our in-person High Holiday observances. Our ushers & greeters helped warmly welcome members and kept the check-in process running smoothly. Thanks also to those who helped coordinate our Tent worship space and Sukkah decorating. It was wonderful observing the holidays as a community, for those who came in person and for most of our members who joined virtually.

Ushers and Greeters

Liz Brenner-Leifer, Ellen Croog, Isabel Dunst, Glenn Engelmann, Matthew Frumin, Nancy Golding, Barry Hauptman, Myra Jacobs, Richard Jerome, Ginny Levin, Nancy Olins, Liz Rose, Terri Salus, Laura Steel, Joanne Tanner, Seth Tievsky, Jean Veta, Nechama Wilker, Steve Zuckerman

Sukkot Décor

Joy Adler, Monica Fleischman, Lena Frumin, Howard Oppenheim

Tent Coordination

Claudia Ades