Temple Sinai Nursery School

A NAEYC Accredited Program

Join us! 

We welcome you to learn about options for the 2024-2025 school year!

Limited spaces still available

Click here for information about requesting a tour

Nationally Recognized • Progressive • Play-Based • Reggio-Inspired


»Click here for information about our tour schedule

Please contact the Nursery School office by phone at 202-362-3836 or by email at nurseryschool@templesinaidc.org and we will be happy to make arrangements for you to join a tour.

At Temple Sinai Nursery School, nurturing relationships provide the context for learning…

Through gentle facilitation, attention to individual needs, respect for unique learning styles and temperaments, our children grow in self-confidence and in the ability to relate to one another. In a safe and secure learning environment our children develop their curiosity and learn to experience the world in an expansive way. At the core of our program is a belief in the importance of developing strong social-emotional skills during these magical years of early childhood.


Some glimpses of life at Temple Sinai Nursery School through the lens of Rainbow Days, an afternoon program offered for three year olds, and in our Investigation Room. These videos highlight our school’s ongoing values of children’s social-emotional development through investigative learning, and our commitment to providing each child opportunities for hands-on exploration with authentic materials.



Select photos by Judy Licht



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