Welcome to Temple Sinai!

We’re honored that you have expressed an interest in our congregation. Temple Sinai is an inclusive Reform Jewish congregation that for more than a half-century has stood as a pillar in our community dedicated to the Jewish traditions of worship, education, and social justice.
We offer a variety of services and programs for all ages including a NAEYC-accredited preschool program; an award-winning Religious School; vibrant Youth and Young Adult programs, Sisterhood and Brotherhood; and numerous Family and Adult Learning Programs. Learn more.
Temple Sinai welcomes the participation of interfaith couples and families, and people of all abilities, backgrounds and sexual orientation. We welcome children and adults with disabilities and their families. We strive to ensure our programs and facilities are accessible to all and to accommodate any special needs. If you have questions or concerns regarding access or participation please reach out! Learn more about access and inclusion at Temple Sinai.
Want to learn more about Temple Sinai?
Fill out a Prospective Member Information Form
Ready to join Temple Sinai?
Fill out a Membership Application
Have questions? Reach out to our Membership & Engagement Coordinator Karen Auerbach (202-363-6394).