To generate additional funds to ensure Temple Sinai’s fiscal strength
We need to cover rising operating costs so we can continue to offer a wide range of programs, stronger security, outstanding clergy, and a dedicated staff. Inflation has not bypassed Temple Sinai, and we must work to maintain a balanced budget.
To simplify and streamline dues brackets and payment amounts
We received feedback that the Building Maintenance Fund, historically an additional payment, created confusion among members. Going forward, the itemized Building Maintenance Fund assessment will be eliminated and rolled into a single combined community commitment.
To strengthen our fair-share structure
Temple Sinai was founded to live our progressive values, meaning that members contribute in line with their current financial capacity. It also means that we welcome – and will continue to welcome – all members regardless of their financial situation. As part of the fair-share process, we will continue to calculate member commitments to be roughly equivalent to 2% of Adjusted Gross Income (“AGI”). Community commitments will be inflation-adjusted annually and income brackets are now standardized in $50,000 increments so most people are paying roughly the same percentage of their AGI as they have under the current structure.
To attract new members
Young members and families are the future of our congregation, so it is critical to create an early sense of belonging for young adults and families exploring Temple Sinai. Among other things, families with young children will be offered a steeply discounted community commitment rate and families with children only in the nursery school will be offered temple membership at no additional cost beyond the cost of tuition. Individuals 35 and under will also be offered a special community commitment rate. In all cases, these cohorts will be asked to pay the annual security fee and actively encouraged to support our High Holidays and Sinai Annual Fund drives in accordance with their means. They will also be asked to contribute at the normal expected community commitment rates when they no longer meet the eligibility requirements for one of these discounted rates.
To support our seniors
We have also added a special senior rate for those aged 70 and older with no income limit. This replaces the old senior rate starting at age 67 which was income dependent. We hope seniors who are able to contribute at higher rates will continue to do so.
To sustain the temple through philanthropic giving
We are creating a philanthropic giving program, the Shorashim (“roots”) Society, with two suggested annual giving levels — Sustainer ($12,000+) and Benefactor ($18,000+) — to encourage those with additional capacity to consider fortifying our cherished institution. Consistent with so many other congregations across the country, Temple Sinai relies on members living their Jewish values through their generous, menschlich (“upstanding”) support for our beloved community. We will also continue to encourage generational giving through the Rimonim (“pomegranate”) Society, where congregants remember Temple Sinai in their estate planning. By fostering the congregation’s strong roots (shorashim) and planting seeds (rimonim) for future generations, we can ensure that Temple Sinai flourishes now and for generations to come. We are deeply grateful to those who choose Temple Sinai as a focus of their giving.