South Addition, Phase 2, Update 23

A lot has happened over the past few weeks as our construction team has taken advantage of our schools’ Spring and Passover Breaks!

The exterior plating of the awning covering the new South Entrance has been installed, an important final step in weatherproofing the awning. Just south of the South Entrance, more concrete has been laid for the sidewalk abutting our stormwater bioretention ponds with drainage pipes layered underneath them. The drainage pipes lead straight into the first of our south-side stormwater bioretention ponds, whose concrete structure has been completed. As the summer continues, several more stormwater bioretention ponds will be built leading down the south hillside. These will then be filled with gravel, soil, and plantings, and finally, a boardwalk from Jocelyn St to the South Entrance will be built and integrated with the pond structures.

Inside the building, a few transformational pieces have been added. First, furniture has been delivered to all of our new spaces. The Book Nook is close to completion and now has been uncovered from behind its corrugated plastic protective covering. The Book Nook is a space designed for school use where students & families can sit and read together. Finally, the glass paneling and wooden railings have been installed along our new staircases, completing the finishing touches on these pieces. In the coming weeks our construction team will start going through “punch-list” items—identifying small fixes that need to be made before construction can be considered finished—and deep cleaning the space.

We expect to receive our Temporary Certificate of Occupancy this month with congregational usage to follow soon thereafter. We can’t wait for you to join us in the completed new South Addition soon!