South Addition, Phase 2, Update 24

Several exciting milestones have been reached since our last update in early May! First, Temple Sinai has passed all of the inspections to receive a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the interior of the South Addition.

What does this mean? This means Temple Sinai is permitted to use the interior of the South Addition once we have the physical certificate itself in hand (expected shortly). In the coming weeks, we will begin rolling out a plan for the usage of the space, including adding the spaces in the South Addition as reservable spaces for temple programs and events.

Why not start using the space right away? There are a few final touches that, while not affecting the safety of the space, do impact how we can use the space. We want to make sure members can use the South Addition to its fullest, so stay tuned for the announcement when we start formally using the South Addition.

Second, the Book Nook has been completed and is now in use! Our architects designed the Book Nook as a comfortable space for reading exploration and the doorway is meant to invoke a parent and child in embrace. Last week the Nursery School students started exploring their new space and the rave reviews are in. Some feedback from the children include:

“It’s super cozy!”

“It looks like a fairy door!”

“I love it!”

As we look forward to the next year of Temple Sinai Nursery School, the Book Nook will be filled with cushions, books, and decorations to make it a full reading wonderland.

Third, the “Outitorium”  was completed this week. This is an outdoor space for members of all ages to sit, play, and enjoy our grounds. While this space cannot be used until we extend our temporary certificate of occupancy to include the outdoors, we envision it both as an integrated part of the playground and as a space open to adult & family programming such as Shabbat Sing, Family Shabbat, and much more.

Lastly, while work continues on the southern stormwater retention ponds, work has begun on the boardwalk that leads from Jocelyn St. to the new main entrance. Concrete has been laid for the sidewalk at the top of the walkway, as well as at the bottom where it reaches Jocelyn St.