Rabbi Hannah Goldstein’s Fund

Rabbi Hannah Goldstein’s Fund
Donated By
Stephen Wolk & Frances Rothstein
In Appreciation Of  Donated By
Rabbi Goldstein David & Cathy Goldwyn
The Family of Carrol Kahn
In Honor Of  Donated By
the birth of Bella Miriam Friedman Richard Bender & Laura Forman
Samuel & Phyllis Blum
Rita & David Brickman
Ravelle Brickman
Glenn & Michelle Engelmann
Alan Korn & Claudia Simons
Bruce Vinik & Virginia Levin
Frank Liebermann
Stephen & Helene Sacks
David Stonner & Anne Schwartz
Alan & Kathe Tuttman
the Bat Mitzvah of Nina Julie Fernandez Fink Susan Levine & Leon Fink
the Bar Mitzvah of Peter Goldstein Jordan Goldstein & Hillary Davidson
the Bar Mitzvah of Aron Mallon Jennifer & John Mallon
Richard & Leslie Tunick
In Memory Of  Donated By
Erin Markowitz George & Barbara Korengold
Sumner Myers Phyllis Myers

*This listing includes all donations received between June 1, 2020 and February 1, 2021. Our apologies for anyone mistakenly omitted from this listing. Please reach out to Noah Benjamin at nbenjamin@templesinaidc.org with any questions or concerns.