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B’nei Mitzvah Resources

Ritual Resources

Blessings & Prayers

Torah Blessing 1 Slowly

Torah Blessings (PDF)
Parents’ Blessings (PDF)
Siblings’ Prayers (PDF)
Additional Blessings and Honors (PDF)

Candles, Kiddush & Hamotzi

Other Resources

B'nei Mitzvah FAQ

Have questions about what terms mean, date assignments, tutoring, services, or anything else? Start here!

Aliyah Sheet Guidelines

Review these guidelines as you select people for Aliyot during the service. The Aliyah sheet is due back to the office two Mondays prior to the service. 

Photography Guidelines

You may bring in a photographer to have pictures taken in the Sanctuary. These guidelines are intended to facilitate a safe and smooth process.

Renting Space for Celebrations

Families are invited to submit contracts to use the social hall for kiddush lunches and/or evening celebrations once they receive their bar/bat/bet mitzvah dates. After the initial submission period (usually a month in the spring), the social hall is available on a first come, first served basis. 

If you are interested in renting the social hall following your child’s Bar/Bat/Bet Mitzvah, please contact Helena Peter at

Mitzvah Projects

Looking for information or suggestions for your mitzvah project? Check out the Davis Center website for ideas. 

B'nei Mitzvah Bibliography

The Temple Sinai Library has assembled a list of titles to help students navigate a year full of growth and change.