Ritual Resources
Blessings & Prayers

Torah Blessings (PDF)
Parents’ Blessings (PDF)
Siblings’ Prayers (PDF)
Additional Blessings and Honors (PDF)
Candles, Kiddush & Hamotzi
Other Resources
Renting Space for Celebrations
Families are invited to submit contracts to use the social hall for kiddush lunches and/or evening celebrations once they receive their bar/bat/bet mitzvah dates. After the initial submission period (usually a month in the spring), the social hall is available on a first come, first served basis.
If you are interested in renting the social hall following your child’s Bar/Bat/Bet Mitzvah, please contact Helena Peter at hpeter@templesinaidc.org.
Mitzvah Projects
Looking for information or suggestions for your mitzvah project? Check out the Davis Center website for ideas.
B'nei Mitzvah Bibliography
The Temple Sinai Library has assembled a list of titles to help students navigate a year full of growth and change.