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About Our Services

The observance of Shabbat at Temple Sinai is a central focus of our congregational life. We strive to offer our members a variety of worship experiences and Shabbat programs.

Evening Shabbat Services
Services are held each Friday evening at 6:30 pm. Check the calendar for details about our upcoming services.

Tot Shabbat
Tots (aged 0-5) and their grownups are invited to join us on our famous woodland-like playground for a morning of play and fun on the 1st and 3rd Saturday morning of the month. We’ll gather together and sing and celebrate Shabbat and enjoy some challah and juice too. Check the calendar.

Shabbat Morning Torah Study
A wonderful educational opportunity awaits all who attend weekly Torah Study on Saturday mornings, beginning at 9:15 am. The classes, led by our clergy, focus on the Torah reading for the week.  Check the calendar.

Shabbat Morning Service
On Shabbat mornings when we celebrate B’nei Mitzvah, a congregational service is held at 10:30 am. Members are invited to attend and celebrate with the families and guests of our B’nei Mitzvah.

Kaddish Minyan
This service is an informal minyan that immediately follows our weekly Torah study on Shabbat mornings without other services scheduled. One of our rabbis will lead a brief Shabbat morning service and provide those who are saying Kaddish an opportunity to be in community on Shabbat.

Kehillat Shabbat
Our lay-driven, clergy-supported Kehillat Shabbat service provides a wide variety of opportunities for congregant participation, whether by chanting a few verses of Torah or Haftarah, helping lead the service, delivering a D’var Torah (a commentary inspired by the weekly Torah portion), helping present or dress the Torah scroll, or joining in communal song and prayer. Shabbat services are held at 10:30 am on the first and third Saturday of each month. All are welcome to join. For more information about Kehillat Shabbat, to sign up for monthly updates, or to volunteer to lead part of a service please email Helena Goldstein at

Shabbat Mincha Service
On Shabbat afternoons when we celebrate B’nei Mitzvah, a congregational service is held at 5:30 pm. Members are invited to attend and celebrate with the families and guests of our B’nei Mitzvah.