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wrjTemple Sinai Women of Reform Judaism (TSWRJ) is a member of Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), the international organization of Sisterhoods of Reform congregations, which participates in activities and initiatives sponsored by WRJ. TSWRJ is dedicated to giving voice to the women of Temple Sinai. Through TSWRJ women of all ages, lifestyles, and backgrounds come together for spiritual and social enrichment. We are committed to strengthening our temple’s sense of inclusiveness, community, and friendship by offering programs and services designed to meet the needs of our congregation.

TSWRJ is the heart and hands of the Temple Sinai community. Learn more here. As an affiliate organization of Temple Sinai, TSWRJ goes beyond the traditional historic role of sisterhoods. We sponsor the Break-Fast at the conclusion of Yom Kippur and the community Second Seder. We support our youth from nursery school through college with a variety of programs, as well as with camp scholarship funds and stipends for travel to Israel.

We offer a rich variety of intellectually stimulating programs through the Tuesday morning Rabbi’s study group, the Multi-Faith discussion groups, the annual TSWRJ (Sisterhood) Shabbat, the annual Authors’ Roundtable, and programs with speakers throughout the year.

In addition to the many local, national, and international groups to which TSWRJ donates funds, TSWRJ’s social action opportunities are equally varied and include contributing dinner for the families of patients at the Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of Health, volunteering at a women’s shelter and supporting our troops through the Tzedakah for the Troops project. We help fund our many activities through your TSWRJ membership dues, donations, contributions, the Judaica shop sales, the Chanukah Mart, and other fundraising activities.

We invite women of all ages to become active members of our congregation’s Women of Reform Judaism. It is a wonderful way to meet other congregants in a small group setting, form lasting relationships among members, contribute to the life of the temple, and to support those in need. Join us!

We look forward to welcoming you to Temple Sinai Women of Reform Judaism

Our Past Presidents
