Life Cycle Events

Our clergy, staff and facilities are available to support you through the milestones that shape every life. Please call on any of us at the temple for help, questions or planning around any important occasion including these most common life cycle events. Our clergy maintain an “on call” rotation and are always available to support you in times of need – including pastoral counseling for all situations.

Baby Naming/Brit Milah
The first major ritual moment in our lives is the acquisition of a Hebrew name as we enter the timeless covenant of the Jewish people. We often perform naming ceremonies in conjunction with a Shabbat service so the whole community can welcome, bless and celebrate our newest members. There is no traditionally required time line for a naming ceremony but we suggest you schedule a naming ceremony soon after birth as our tradition considers the blessings and the naming to augur good things for the future. Brit milah (the ritual circumcision for boys) is required for the eighth day and can be performed in your home with a certified mohel.

B’nei Mitzvah
In their thirteenth year, our children become b’nei mitzvah. It marks each student’s ascent to a position of leadership before our community. Our students lead us in prayer, Torah study, mitzvah-guided living, and community building typically in the context of a Shabbat service. Find B’nei Mitzvah Resources here.

As our students complete tenth grade, they return to the bimah to confirm the leadership position they assumed as b’nei mitzvah. After a course of study and demonstrating their continued commitment to Jewish life and learning, students lead a Shabbat service and confirm their lasting connection to Judaism. We believe every teen can find a path of study and Jewish connection that is right for them and urge all our parents and students to talk about confirmation with our rabbis.

Whether in our sanctuary or another special location, Sinai’s clergy embrace all couples seeking to join together in the sacred union of marriage. We work with all couples including interfaith, same-sex couples and any family seeking to create a Jewish family and Jewish home. Our clergy also provide couples with pre-marital counseling and on-going support to help couples grow and face any challenges.

Helping families and individuals as they face the end of life is one of our most important functions. Our clergy visit and support families in hospitals, hospice care and at home. We will help and support you in creating the most appropriate and meaningful services to memorialize your loved ones. We also provide The Temple Sinai Cemetery to our members and their families as part of the Jewish community’s Garden of Remembrance in Clarksburg, Maryland. Please do not hesitate to contact us at the temple as you face end of life decisions and losses. One of our clergy is always on call to help. Download Matters of Life & Death guide.

Significant birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions are enhanced by celebrating them with the community. We are happy to invite you to the bimah for blessings and “mazel tov” wishes. Contact any of our clergy to share your special occasion!

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