Join us as we gather to celebrate Sukkot with Temple Emanuel and Temple Shalom. This service is hosted by Temple Shalom (8401 Grubb Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815).
Adult B’nei Mitzvah alumni are invited to gather for a service and potluck dinner in the Sukkah. Rabbi Emeritus Mindy Portnoy will once again join Cantor Laura Croen in leading the service and festivities. Your only assignment is to bring a dish for 8-10 people. As in past years, and given the large number of […]
Join your clergy team, guest musician(s), and your fellow congregants for a musical Shabbat service “in the round.” Our first Shabbat in the Round was a massive success, and we need your voices to help make it just as beautiful this time! We’ll gather at 6:00 pm in the Sukkah at Temple Sinai to greet […]
Join us for a Shabbat morning service as we celebrate the B'nei Mitzvah of Sabrina Rogers and Zachary Isikoff. Details