Join us as we gather to celebrate Simchat Torah with Temple Emanuel and Temple Shalom. This service will include Yizkor and is hosted by Temple Emanuel (10101 Connecticut Avenue, Kensington, MD 20895). Joining in person? The service will be followed by a kiddush luncheon; RSVP requested. Joining virtually? Click here to join via Zoom (hosted by Temple Emanuel).
Join us in person or virtually as we explore the foundational ideas of Reform Judaism and how those ideas can help us understand our world today. This class is taught by Rabbi Jonathan Roos and meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 10-11:30 am, October 2022-May 2023. If you have questions, […]
Guest Speaker Lara Friedman, President, Foundation For Middle East Peace Presented by J Street Temple Sinai DC Jewish settlement growth on the West Bank and East Jerusalem has been a key component of a policy of absorbing Palestinian land in contravention of international law regarding governance of occupied territories. An outgrowth of settlement expansion has […]
Join us as spend the morning “Praying With Our Feet” at A Wider Circle. Volunteers will help load furniture, restock household items, sort through donations, repair objects, and do whatever else may be needed. People will be broken up into small teams, and there will be projects for children of any age. Register