Join Temple Sinai Women of Reform Judaism "sister friends" to catch up with friends, preceded by a very short general membership meeting. This event will be held on Zoom. (Zoom information will be emailed to attendees the day before the event.) RSVP
Join TSWRJ for a 3-mile women’s hike in Rock Creek Park. Hiking shoes recommended; there are a few steep stretches. Snack and water will be provided. Dogs on leashes welcome. For Temple Sinai members only. For details and to register,
TSWRJ and Multiracial Sinai (MRS) are delighted to co-sponsor a moderated discussion embracing and reflecting the diverse and multi-faceted identities of children in our community. The conversation will feature authors and educators to hone parents’ discussion skills and explore valuable resources on racial identity, gender identity, body image and more. Geared to parents of elementary and middle […]
Chanukah Food Drive-Through Pick up pre-ordered latkes, stuffed cabbage, spanikopita, kugel, Chanukah candles, dreydels, & gelt. Pre-orders are due Friday, November 12. Come In and Shop Come in and shop for Chanukah, Shabbat, and gifts for all seasons in the Judaica Shop. Please bring proof of vaccination to enter the building.
Get your chanukiah ready to join with Cantor Croen and sisterfriends via Zoom as we light candles on the fifth night of Chanukah! Click to join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 873 3783 7393, Passcode: 2AiWU4) We can’t wait to see you there!