Join the Temple Sinai DayTimers and learn how Congress really works. Senator Harkin represented southwest Iowa in the House of Representatives from 1975 to 1984 and was a Senator from Iowa from 1985 through 2014, a total of forty years. He was the chief sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act, a key proponent of wellness in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and authored the first legislation passed concerning international human rights policy in his first term in the House and many other accomplishments. Senator Harkin will share some of the lessons he learned about Congress and how it really functions. There will be ample time for your questions.
How Congress Really Works, Or Not
Join the Temple Sinai DayTimers and learn how Congress really works. Senator Harkin represented southwest Iowa in the House of Representatives from 1975 to 1984 and was a Senator from Iowa from 1985 through 2014, a total of forty years. He was the chief sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act, a key proponent of wellness in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and authored the first legislation passed concerning international human rights policy in his first term in the House and many other accomplishments. Senator Harkin will share some of the lessons he learned about Congress and how it really functions. There will be ample time for your questions.