Niggunim & Devarim Graphic

Niggunim & Devarim An engaging afternoon of song and text to honor Robyn Helzner

Sunday, March 23, 4:00-6:30 pm

Celebrate Robyn Helzner’s 40-year tenure at Temple Sinai with joyful melodies and inspiring words. Robyn, along with our rabbis, cantors and special guests will share a program of niggunim (wordless melodies) interwoven with enriching Torah texts to lift our spirits and enliven our souls. Everyone is invited to join in singing the niggunim. Listen to the melodies below. 

RSVP by 3/14

The program will be followed by a festive reception. A livestream link will be sent to all registrants with their confirmation email.

Links to Niggunim

Audio Recordings
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