Shabbat Service
Bet AmGuest Service Leader and Teacher: Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin
Guest Service Leader and Teacher: Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin
These lay-led services offer opportunities to chant a few verses of Torah or Haftarah in a supportive atmosphere. Participants can also sign up to deliver a d’var Torah (analysis of the weekly Torah portion) that leads to a group discussion. The temple provides lunch following services.
These lay-led services offer opportunities to chant a few verses of Torah or Haftarah in a supportive atmosphere. Participants can also sign up to deliver a d’var Torah (analysis of the weekly Torah portion) that leads to a group discussion. The temple provides lunch following services.
Talking about race is both difficult and necessary in our Jewish community and in society. This facilitated discussion group will provide space to develop what sociologist Robin DiAngelo calls “racial stamina,” the ability to think and talk about race effectively. RSVP at
Using the family-friendly prayer book, SIDDUR MA TOV,the service alternates between Hebrew and English,introducing Shabbat morning prayers in a meaningfulformat for all ages. The temple provides lunch followingservices.