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Sinai House

About Sinai House

The mission of Sinai House is to enable families to move from homelessness to independence by providing safe and affordable housing, comprehensive social services, and financial support. Our goal is that departing residents and their families be able to maintain financial independence and thrive in future years.
Since its founding more than thirty years ago in 1992 by Temple Sinai members, we have helped more than 50 families, including more than 100 children to become stable and self-sufficient.

Our community is supported by volunteers who serve in a variety of ways, including several opportunities for adults and B’nei Mitzvah students to work directly with the families of Sinai House.

We invite you to participate in our two annual community events, the Homes & Hearts Service at Temple Sinai in the fall and the Tricia Davis 5K for Sinai House at Rock Creek Park on Mother’s Day, the second Sunday of May.

To donate or learn more about Sinai House, our events, and volunteer opportunities, please visit