A Weekend of Musical Family Fun!
Jason Mesches has drawn on his own experiences as a child to bring a new sound and style to the world of accessible family music. He has been touring the nation for a decade in his efforts to create fun, educational music for kids and families. He divides his work into three equal and important parts: Sing. Dance. Sweat. Join us for the weekend and experience all Jason has to offer us!
Family Shabbat
Friday, December 6
5:30 pm Dinner: Join us for pizza and activities in the social hall!
Dinner is sponsored by the the Berger, Fox, and Sandelius families in memory of Sandy Berger.
6:30 pm Service: Jason Mesches, together with our clergy, will get everyone in the sanctuary smiling and grooving! Jason will lead us in joyful and engaging song as well as give the teaching during services- get ready to laugh, sing, and dance. He will be joined on the bimah by Shir Shalom (3-6th grade youth choir) and Shirlings (K-2 grade youth choir)! We’ll send everyone on their way with a sweet treat after the service.
Tot Havdallah Dance Party
Saturday, December 7
4:00 pm: Jason Mesches joins us for an afternoon of dancing, singing and lots of sweet energy! We’ll end with havdallah around 5:00 pm. This event is designed for children ages 0-5 and their families.
Jason will also be joining us for Nursery School on Friday, December 6 and Religious School on Sunday, December 8. School families can watch for more information in the leadup to our weekend with Jason!
This weekend is sponsored by the Florence and Irwin Speyer Endowed Music Innovation Fund.