
All are welcome to join us for services virtually or in person. Links for virtual participation are below.
Prayer Books
Unless otherwise noted, we will be using Mishkan T’filah as the prayer book for our services.
Copies of Mishkan T’filah for use at home can be purchased from the TSWRJ Judaica Shop; additional purchase options can be found on the CCAR website.

Upcoming Services

Friday, October 25

6:30 pm Shabbat Service
Join us for our weekly Shabbat service, which will be preceded by an oneg starting at 6:00 pm, sponsored by Robin and Heming Nelson in honor of Benjamin and Elijah Nelson’s b’nei mitzvah. 
Join via Livestream

Saturday, October 26

9:15 am Torah Study
Join us in person or virtually for our Shabbat Morning Torah Study with Rabbi Jon Roos.
Join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 839 7118 5697, Passcode: 20015)

10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service
We celebrate the B’nei Mitzvah of Benjamin and Elijah Nelson.
Join via Livestream

Having technical difficulties with virtual services? Check our Facebook page for information about any issues we might be having. 

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