2019 | 5780 High Holidays

Sermons: Audio

Sermons: Text

Zichronot- The Power of Memory
Rabbi Adam Rosenwasser | Erev Rosh HaShanah

The Honest and the Good
Rabbi Jonathan Roos | Rosh HaShanah Sanctuary

Why Be Jewish?
Rabbi Adam Rosenwasser | Rosh HaShanah Bet Am

Good As Hell
Rabbi Hannah Goldstein | Rosh HaShanah Bethesda 

Antisemitism Sermon
Rabbi Jonathan Roos | Kol Nidrei 

Sharing Our Pain
Rabbi Adam Rosenwasser | Yom Kippur Sanctuary

Day of Imagination
Rabbi Hannah Goldstein | Yom Kippur Bet Am

Other Sermons

On the Eve of Liberation
Rabbi Hannah Goldstein
Friday, January 11, 2019

I want to begin tonight with a short explanation of the ongoing conversation about the Women’s March and how Temple Sinai came to the decision to participate. In 2017, hundreds of us; Temple Sinai members and friends made our way down to the mall for a prayer breakfast sponsored by the Religious Action Center, followed by the march. Read more.

“King of Israel”: Who Speaks for Us?
Rabbi Hannah Goldstein
Friday, August 23, 2019

This was a weird week. Every time I turned on the radio or glanced at the headlines, there was discussion of “Jews.” “King of Israel” trended on Twitter. On Tuesday, the president said in the Oval Office, that Jewish people voting for Democrats, “shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.” Read more.

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